Cape Schanck

Walk overview
Length: 20kmTime: 7 hours
Grade: Medium
Ascent: 250m
Maximum height: 150m
Region: Mornington
Map: Meridien Publications 1:25,000 Mornington or Arthurs Seat
Starting from the carpark at Fingal Picnic Ground, we walked to Cape Schanck and along the boardwalk. From there we headed along the walking track to Bushrangers Bay, then further along the walking track which follows high above Main Creek to Boneo Road. The track has groves of banksias and affords good views of the countryside beyond the Cape. We crossed over Boneo Road and into Greens Bush, walking in a kilometre or so before stopping for lunch. After lunch, we retraced our steps back to Cape Schanck and then on to Fingal Beach, walking down almost a kilometre of steps to reach the beach. From there we backtracked and returned to the Fingal Picnic Ground.
Note: we didn't follow the walk route for Greens Bush and Cape Schanck outlined in Day Walks Victoria, but if you took two cars, it would be a reasonable alternative.
My comments
While the walking tracks aren't interesting in and of themselves, the views from the boardwalk at Cape Schanck and Bushrangers Bay are so beautiful that this is a walk I'd definitely repeat.Bushrangers Bay is fabulous, the highlight being the rocky tidal pools around Elephant Rock. One pool looked like it was made for a queen - perfectly clear bright blue water, held in a pool lined with small smooth round rocks, and rimmed with mushroom pink plantlife. Just gorgeous.
Photos from this walk

For more, see: Cape Schanck photo slideshow
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