Mt Evelyn Forest

Walk overview
Length: 10.4kmTime: 3.5 hours
Grade: Medium
Ascent: 280m
Maximum height: 350m
Map: MELWAYS 120
"The Mt Evelyn Forest is the latest addition to the Dandenong Ranges National Park and was included in 1997. Some of this forest was previously private land. Most of it was logged but never clear-felled."
"The forest is much drier than the rest of the national park as it is located in the rain-shadow of Mt Dandenong. Box stringybark woodlands dominate most of the forest and these open-canopied medium-height trees allow a lot of light onto the forest floor. The result is that there are many more shrubs and bushes in the understorey than found elsewhere in the park. Wildflowers abound - one of the more spectacular summer flowers is the tall hyacinth orchid."
Source: Day Walks Victoria
My comments
A short walk to finish our 5 months of training for our trek around Annapurna circuit in Nepal in just under two weeks time. We're going to take a break next weekend to buy last minute things and get packed, seeing we're leaving on the Friday of the following week.This was a fairly easy walk with a couple of pretty fern-filled gullies, but unremarkable other than that.
Photos from this walk

For more, see: Mt Evelyn Forest photo slideshow
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